A review by sandygx260
Scourged by Kevin Hearne


Rarely do I bitch and moan about a book being too short, but Scourged IS too short. I hate to say this, but at times reading it felt like Kevin Hearne has a checklist of events he wants to cross off. Too much of the story feels rushed, especially when it comes to writing Atticus' POV. In this book, Hearne is more interested in Owen than Atticus, and this hampers the story. When did Owen become the bratty joker? It feels like Hearne switches the characters.

Too many emotional components are rushed or even skipped in order to spend time on new characters. Did I really need to read that much about Owen and a sloth? Nope. It's obvious Hearne plans to write about this new duo. Why add new characters into the mix when...bah, sorry, this is frustrating me.

This is one particular scene towards the book's end where a character's emotional reaction is completely ignored. I do believe Oberon would be highly upset over the said incident. (No, it does no involve meat.)

This notable series and especially Atticus deserves a better conclusion.