A review by angelajuniper
Red Earth and Pouring Rain by Vikram Chandra


I kind of feel like Vikram Chandra said to himself 'what do I want to read? what do I want to see happen in a story?' then gathered every idea he had ever had and smooshed it into a book. He covers every single genre in one way or another and at times it is so compacted that I couldnt remember who people were and why they were there so had to browse back through the first third of the book. At times it was very wordy, almost unnecessarily so, and I didnt think it was actually needed. Abhay's story was so sharply contrasted with the rest of the book that Chandra could have left it out and still achieved the same outcome. I didnt see the point of Abhay's immature antics with his rich but miserable friends. It was a whole other book slid between a story of battle, Indian Gods, love and struggle. A book that was strangely put together, I probably would't read it again.