A review by bc7ate9
The Downstairs Neighbor by Helen Cooper


3rd Floor Girl disappears. Parents freak out and realize the secrets they’ve been keeping could be to blame.

Main Floor Lady misses a guy who seems to be her lover, but TWIST! ends up being her son. Her Baby Daddy hung out with bullies in high school so she refuses to acknowledge him. Son is angry, goes to live with him. Son had relationship with 3FG. Teenagers do mean, gaslighty things to their parents. Turns out, Bully BF was actually a pretty ok guy.

Basement Guy is married to a kleptomaniac and teaches kids to drive, including 3FG. He is also in cahoots with secret aunt of 3FG. Takes 3FG to secret aunt.

Flashbacks reveal secret aunt went to prison way back when b/c 3F Mom poisoned her mom’s boyfriend b/c she thought he was abusive. Actually, her mom had cancer and killing him was a mistake. She kind of takes care of secret aunt, but wants to keep that life separate from current life.

They all live happily ever after.