A review by ashreads6
Unwrap Him by Nyla K.


Hot. Steamy. Forbidden. ALLLL the love. Perfect palate cleanser between heavy reads.

This was a beautiful story about James and Jesse.....

Jesse was orphaned at age 2 when both of his parents died in a car accident. He knew he was gay from early in his teens and had slowly started having feelings for James. He knew it was inappropriate since James has raised him the last 17 years, but ... the heart wants what it wants....Then the INCIDENT happened ......

James was best friends with Jesse's parents. When they found out they were expecting at age 17, having no family of their own, they asked James to be his Godfather which was a resounding yes. James never imagined anything would ever come of it but he rose to the challenge and gave Jesse everything he could ever need. Enter Christmas Eve....the incident..... It took some time but he was able to come to terms with the new dynamic

Two words: Candy Cane. That is all