A review by chllybrd
Chaos Rises by Pippa DaCosta


The cover for CHAOS RISES really drew my attention so I read what it was about and realized it was a spinoff of another of Pippa's series and decided I really wanted to get the full spectrum and read The Veil series before diving into CHAOS RISES. So, I read all 5 of the Veil Series books, really enjoyed them and finally started reading CHAOS RISES.

When I read all of CHAOS RISES and put it down, I just didn't get the same gotta read the next book feeling I was hoping for. I liked Gem just fine and I really loved seeing one of the characters—The Prince of Pride— from The Veil series, but the storyline just didn't reel me in. Just to be completely clear, I didn't hate CHAOS RISES, I just didn't love it or like it as much as I did The Veil series. Maybe I shouldn't have read The Veil series before jumping in. Maybe if I didn't love Muse and her crew so much I wouldn't have done so many comparisons. I just don't know.

Another small thing, I really wanted to see Muse and/or Stefan make an appearance. I know it wasn't their book, but I really wanted them to make an appearance at least once. I kept looking for them and they never came *Sad Face*.

I can't say 100% yet if I will pick up book two when it's available. On one hand, there is a lot of room for this series to grow into something I might love and I really liked the The Prince of Pride in The Veil series and wouldn't mind reading more about him. Then there is the other hand where I didn't love CHAOS RISES and found it a bit slow. Only time will tell, but I MIGHT give it a try.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.