A review by sabbygee
American Girl on Saturn by Nikki Chartier


Come check out my stop on the American Girl on Saturn blog tour and enter the giveaway to win awesome prizes!


The romance. Come on. Of course we're looking for an awesome romance. Fortunately, this book gives readers exactly that... AND MORE! (I thought I was done with the freaky fan girl stuff) Chloe and Milo had amaaazing chemistry! I love that their love story actually took time to blossom despite having only 2 weeks to get to know each other and spend time together. The first night they bonded was my absolute favorite. There's nothing better than a really cute guy flirting with you subtly while you both snack on milk and Oreos. Yep! Milk, Oreos, really cute guy... HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THIS? I also like how they tried to keep their relationship a secret and how they sneaked around just to get some alone time. It was sweet all around.

The humor. Most of the things that got me laughing out loud came from the youngest in the Branson family - Emery. The little Saturnite was really funny! I laughed at how she described one of the boys who smoked, Jules, as smelling like "crushed ladybugs." Or when she referred to Twitter and Youtube as "the Twitter" and "the Youtube." It was so adorable and funny! And whenever Emery would freak out and get all possessive of her favorite band member, Benji Baccarini, she'd say things that were already funny but would even be funnier because it came from a five/six year old. The other sister, Aralie, was also a blast! She's totally snarky, which I love! Whenever she'd say "Benji Bikini" I'd laugh, not because the nickname they gave him is that funny but because of how she often said it with a mocking tone. The boys were also as funny with their bromances and witty dialogues.

The fun. The boys and the girls did whatever they could to make the lockdown more fun. They hung out by the pool, played Twister (which ended up pretty nice for Chloe and Milo. Tee hee), hide and seek – you know, normal people stuff. But what’s cool about this was the fact that the boys weren’t just like anybody else. They’re celebrities! And they hung out with the girls like regular, fun-loving dudes. They even came up with this super cute surprise for the girls towards the end. That was super cool.

The boy band. I am, admittedly, boy band crazy. This book is literally one of my crazy dreams. I'm not kidding! I've always wondered what it would be like to meet and be chums with a wildly popular boy band. Reading this really gave me intense feels. I love that the girls had insider info on the guys. It's like every fan girl's DREAM... well, aside from dating/marrying someone in a boy band that is.

The hangover. And this is the part where I tell you all THIS IS A 5-STAR BOOK!!! Why? Because, dude, I got a freaking hangover and I'm pretty sure you will too! I just couldn't get enough of the Branson sisters and Spaceships Around Saturn. I want to see how their lives turn out after the lockdown. How can they possibly go back to normal after an experience like that?! How can I go back to normal after reading this?!

SO YEAH. Go pick up American Girl on Saturn. The writing's really good and the story's even better. What's not to like?

(P.S. I'm not normally this crazy, I swear)