A review by octopusgarden
The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward


For those of you who have not read this book, it's not what you think it is. This book is barely a romance... This whole time, reading this book. I was trying to figure out what genre this book was and it was mystery, drama, kinda romance, and just a shit ton of plot twists. I've never read a book written by the lovely J.R. Ward but she's definitely well known. Now you're probably wondering what kind of book did I read, well. I thought this book series was going to be based on separate couples but no it's based on a family. It's barely based on Lane and Lizzie, and it's a very serious read. It's not hot sex, lovey-dovey, sweet romance. It's a very serious novel, with a chain of fucked up events.

I'll try to explain the storyline, the best way I can. Let's start off with Lizzie and Lane's story. Lizzie works for Lane's family, she's a florist.. I think? I'm not really sure what she does, it involves the garden though. Lane has always had eyes for Lizzie, ever since she started working for his family. It didn't stop his womanizing ways although, and Lizzie was sure to throw that in his face when he tried to pursue her. Eventually, Lizzie and Lane pursued something more and one of Lane's conquests starts stating all these things, and Lizzie is heartbroken she shuts out Lane and Lane leaves to New York and doesn't come back... Until now. 2 years later. Now let's start with Gin's story, Gin has seduced many men, many married men but it's all part of the game she plays with Samuel T. Samuel can't remember the last time, he slept with a woman just for the hell of sleeping with her, not for the game, him and Gin use to throw their conquests in each other's faces. Although, Gin has secrets of her own. She refuses to lose this game with Samuel, until her father gives her an ultimatum and she realizes, it wasn't the game she valued at all, it was the man she was playing with.
I can't necessarily share Edward's story without giving things away, very important details so I decided to leave that silent. Also, Maxwell.. He's MIA. He was only mentioned in memories, nothing in the present.

Now this book was messed up... I hate how I've invested into a book that I thought was a standalone but ended up not being one!! To describe this book, it would be definitely a suspense/mystery novel. Lane, Maxwell, Edward, and Gin are all siblings that go through a horrible chain of events and have one shitty man for a father. I'm very worn out after reading this book, so my only advice to those who want to read this book is, prepare yourself. If you're looking for a easy, romance novel. This isn't it for you. Overall, it was an okay read. I read it majorly just to figure out what happens in the end.