A review by sallie82
Entice by S.E. Hall


I read this book when I found it on Kindle Unlimited.

Now most of the books I read on KU can be very badly written. I was very pleased when I read this and fell in love with the series!

I've read all the books that I was able to in the series.

This book is about Sawyer Beckett and Emmett Young. All 300 pages were a quick read. Sawyer is that typical alpha man that some romance writers write about. He is a take charge (in a good way) rough man. He makes bad decisions but for the most part has good intentions. Entice is book 3 in the series and I enjoyed all the other books.

There are no hidden twists or sad plot lines in this story. It's a true love, love at first sight type of book. There was one issue that I had with it. I read the story of Sawyer and Emmetts daughter first. And with a 20 year difference (they are all young when they get their story), the dialogue is the same. 20 years ago I didn't speak the way I do now. And I'm older then the characters of the stories. And the technology is still there as well. Cell phones with texting, easy texting not my little Nokia phone that took 2 minutes to type a hello (anyone remember QWTY Keyboards?).

Other then that, I really enjoyed the books and can't wait to see what else Ms. Hall has in store for us!