A review by amysreading_nook
Alter Ego by Kate Sheeran Swed


First I want to say a big thank you to Kate Sheeran Swed for sending me a copy of Alter Ego for review! All views and opinions discussed here are my own.

I really enjoy Kate's books because they are always so unique and nothing like anything else i've read. This book was just the same; an intriguing sci-fi book with one foot in Hollywood Stardom and the other in alter-ego's and hidden identities. This book kept me on my toes throughout and I never quite knew who were the good guys and who were the bad guys. I actually messaged Kate at one point in shock when one twist was revealed! This is what I loved about this book; it constantly kept you guessing and even though something was revealed, it doesn't mean that there wren't going to be more twists along the way.

I really enjoyed Mary; she was a fascinating character and I loved her wit - she was such a badass and I was rooting for her throughout. I really enjoyed the range of characters throughout this book; I liked that it was quite ambiguous as to who was in the right and that at times, you could clearly see the point of view of each side and understand why they thought they were in the right.

If there's one thing I would have liked more of, it was a bit more of an explanation about the powers and how they worked? I couldn't quite get my head around that at times or keep track.

Highly recommend reading Alter Ego if you want a fun and captivating Sci-Fi read.