A review by thelauramay
The Bite of Silence by Mary Hughes


This book was completely hysterical. Was it high literature? No. Did it have much of a storyline? No. But did I just about wee myself laughing at the sheer improbability of it all? You betcha - and that's why it gets 4 stars for what is essentially vampire porn.

I got the book for free (courtesy, as always, of Freebooksy), and as per all of the free books I download, didn't read the blurb or see the cover. Thus, it's always a surprise. Of course, often the 'surprise' is the complete lack of storyline or editing, but this novella was an exception.

There's not much I can say about it really - the characters don't have much time to develop, but I think the heroine is probably broadly relatable; and the plot itself is brief because the entire rest of the book is just one sex scene after another - and these are hilarious. Hahahaha. The guy is, as a few people have pointed out, just an improbably large human-type-thing in every respect. To be honest though, I feel like this may be an intentional device used by the author: if in visual porn, everything's exaggerated to the point of ridiculousness to appeal to peoples' animal side, then why not do it in light-hearted erotica instead?

My favourite, absolutely favourite part though, was the guy's fangs. Firstly, if there's one thing I DON'T want being done to my general 'down-stairs' area, it's having someone freaking BITING it. With FANGS. With SIX INCH FANGS. Hahaha. Wtf, right? But the best part of it all is that as the guy gets more turned on, his fangs freaking grow - they're described with the same imagery etc as his.. uh.. nether regions (I'm assuming there's some kind of censoring in these reviews). And every-time they're described, I couldn't help but think of them as being not exactly 'teeth' so much as 'miniature mouth-dicks'. Which detracts from the whole 'big macho vampire man' thing but adds immeasurably to the hilarity of the whole situation.

Very entertaining.