A review by ljrinaldi
Do You Speak Fish? by DJ Corchin


This is a simple but straight to the point book that delivers the point that just because someone doesn't speak your language does not make them rude or stupid, or annoying.

In the story, the little boy wants to speak to the fish, but finds that the fish doesn't understand him, and thinks there is something wrong with the fish. He tries to talk to a lion, with much the same results. It isn't until he speaks to a tree, that the tree asks if he tried speaking Fish to the fish, and the boy replies he didn't know that fish spoke a different language.

Good instructions on how to be compassionate for others, and to realize that we are all different, and come from different places, but if we learn to speak each others languages, it makes it that much easier.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.