A review by danileighta
The Apprentices by Maile Meloy


I'm still really enjoying this series. I liked this book even better than the first, in fact! The series is set in the '50s and, while the first book did not FEEL historical to me, this one really did. It is primarily an adventure story with some sweet (minimal) romance sprinkled in. I like the lay-out of this book, including the illustrations (not too many). It's split up by different alchemical principles.

The title is a misnomer, in my opinion, as The Apprentices implies more focus on the actual practice of alchemy, but there is very little of that. Or, it is a minority of the book. Janie experiment also kind of just disappeared toward the end... So, I hope number three picks up loose threads and we see more of the practice.

Either way, this was a fun book and I'll definitely continue in the series.