A review by suzjustsuz
Queen of Song and Souls by C.L. Wilson


I think this was the best entry in the series so far, although I have to say the end kinda sucked.

There were a lot of revelations in the story, much of it in either exciting or frustrating ways, and the story took a long step forward. I still find most of the relationship stuff to be a bit over wrought and/or melodramatic, but it's not badly done and in this entry there isn't as much of it as there is in other entries in the series. Folks who read for the feelz would like this series.

I thought the resolution to the melodrama at the end of this one was abrupt and unsatisfying, particularly since the melodrama was so emotionally fraught and the resolution was rather cold.

I have to say that the narrator of books 3-6, Emily Durante, does a more than adequate job of narrating this series. The fact that the first two books are done by different narrators would seem to lean one toward preferring the Durante narration if for no other reason than consistency. But I find that here at the end of book 5 I am still wishing they'd stuck with the narrator of book 2, Amy Cardy. Cardy's voices were stronger in that they were a bit less breathy in the way some females voices can be. Durante's voices are competent, with the ability to differentiate characters and genders as well as tone and inflection. But she's just a bit breathy, or a smidge more so than Cardy, I think.