A review by 21stcenturyfox
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay


So atmospheric! Two things I really love in books are mystery and feminine or female-centric stories, this book gave me both and I loved it, expectedly so. The mystery wasn't the only selling point of the book to me, so was the look into the lives and relationships of the girls in Victorian era and the atmospheric Australia.

The devastating disappearance of the three girls and their governess bleeds into those in relation to the girls and their school, as everything gradually deteriorates. Is there an explanation on their mysterious disappearance and its effect on the people around them or is it perhaps on the supernatural ground that the human mind cannot grasp, tying all of the tragedies together? Would it even ever be uncovered?

There is a slight regret in me for reading it so greedily, I'd like to savour it, but it was a... picnic nonetheless, and like a picnic, it is pleasant, but not so thrilling or intensely satisfying. However, as Joan Lindsay is an amazing writer, not once did the story ever bore me out, even with its expansive plot, not only focusing on the missing girls, but others involved.