A review by a_r_e_l_i_c
The Cipher by Kathe Koja


04 tangible, liquidy smell
09 stored-cooler scent
17 hot, stale-cigarette breath
21 mold
29 humid shower smells
32 wet dog
35 Tabu perfume
36 juicy dog farts
37 frail scent of blood
40 foul, giant’s rot
43 angular scent of those secret bones
46 money paid & customer’s fingers
58 gas-station washroom soap
75 incense {spice smell}
78 garbage-rank
159 baking bread
164 lushly astringent outside cold
165 beer & grease
219 dirt & soil & ground
256 alcohol & smoke
257 fudgy smell of her perfume
281 an ether smell
285 like roses {drenched & bewitching}
292 corrosion & waste
295 piss
336 meat roasting
351 burned cotton candy