A review by emilyrm
The Masqueraders by Georgette Heyer

This was a weird one!

The first few chapters took me a couple of tries to get into, between the language and the exposition, but after that I settled in pretty easily.

I liked the cross-dressing siblings, especially Prudence, who is exceptionally competent and cool-headed. I was happy that she found happiness with Sir Anthony, but found him annoyingly paternalistic when he would insist on protecting her or doing things for her - she can take care of herself!

The plot was very silly, which was...mostly okay with me, but a bit much at times. (I felt similarly about Robin and Prudence's father - very silly and a bit much at times. I think he was supposed to be comedic, but I didn't really like him.)

Overall, I had mixed feelings about some aspects of the book, but enjoyed it more than not. I think that Cotillion was the better book (of the two Heyer novels that I've read), but this one had some interesting elements.