A review by masterormargarita
The Woman from Sarajevo by Ivo Andrić


Criminally underrated. Very well translated from the copy I read. I’ve never read Andric or any other Serbian authors before, and this was a perfect introduction.

If you prefer books with more plot than character study, then this is not the novel for you. It centers around Raika Rakovich Obren, a businesswoman in Sarajevo and follows her life from before the first World War to the Great Depression. Andric describes the tensions and struggles of society during this time period well, but the detachment Raika has is very interesting as well. The prose is beautiful and well-constructed.

I can definitely see why Andric won the Nobel Prize, but I’m surprised I had never heard of him before. I would definitely recommend giving this book a try, but don’t be surprised if you don’t like it. I can see how this book wouldn’t be for everyone.