A review by jellogirl2010
Henry and Beezus by Beverly Cleary


First of all, Beezus is one of the best friends that Henry could ask for. She's always encouraging and sticks up for him when his other friends are acting like total popsicles. Second of all, I really hope that Henry beat up Scooter one day. Third of all this book reminded me of just how much and WHY I loved Ramona Quimby. She has little page time here but every single moment is hilarious, and reading this book the first time is why I read about her in the first place. Forth of all and lastly, adult me was like "don't chew that gum Henry. It's so sketchy and random to find it abandoned in a lot!" where as kid me was like "abandoned gum!? What a treasure! Seems totally reasonable!"

All that aside, I still love this book. Not much happens except slice of life stuff, but it's all so innocent and fun you can't help enjoying it. They're all well-rounded characters and with the exception of Scooter - who I very much wanted to sock - they all seem like great friends to have. I also love how magically his dilemma is solved and he gets his bike by the end. Though, it would have been very much disappointing if he hadn't been able to get a brand-new bike when all was said and done.

Definitely a series that holds up. Definitely a series to be savored.