A review by mcrespo
The Woman Destroyed by Simone de Beauvoir

Did not finish book. Stopped at 41%.
“i’m not a racist but don’t give a fuck for algerians jews n*groes in just the same way i don’t give a fuck for ch*nks russians yanks frenchmen” (105). - and with that, i close this rancid book. i really tried to enjoy this novel, and i tried to overlook the sinophobia, homophobia, and racial slurs to find something meaningful, but i’m not sure who’s reading this and remarking of it’s feminist glory when the descriptions of women are very misogynistic and the protagonist can’t stop comparing herself to other women nor remarking of her incredible superiority to them. “i’m not like the other girls” correct!! you are worse! rest in piss simone de beauvoir (or at least rest in piss to your god awful protagonists) <3 and for the love of god knock it off with the run-on sentences. use a comma for christ’s sake. half a star for at least touching on some moving aspects of the aging of women that i found interesting and insightful and -4.5 stars for being a bigot! 

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