A review by mattleesharp
The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad by Fareed Zakaria


Zakaria identifies the root cause of many of the problems of securing liberty at home and abroad - principal among them overdemocratization, but I don't think his solutions are as well thought out. I also just generally keep Zakaria at arm's length when it comes to political thought. He can be really insightful and illuminating on matters of foreign policy. I've seen really great an interesting interviews from world leaders in tumultuous regions of the world on GPS, but there's a streak of neoliberal don't-shake-things-up-ness to his commentary that's not really to my taste.

This book is a decent read if you're up on political thought and have a long commute, but it will just sort of fuse with a lot of these kinds of arguments from other cable news hosts. No better evidence of that than the fact I just discovered on here that I read this book in 2011 and had completely forgotten about it. haha