A review by luana420
Ultimate Comics: Iron Man by Nathan Edmondson, Matteo Buffagni



At one point, Tony Stark goes to Rhodey for help. In the previous Ultimate Comics collection I'd read, there were War Machine suits stolen from SHIELD and employed by the enemy. This lead me to question whether or not Rhodey was the superhero War Machine in this continuity or not, since he's flying a jet when Tony goes to see him.

This continued with me questioning whether or not there had even BEEN any canonical Rhodey appearances at all that I'd read, since the only thing I can very clearly remember him having been in were the two hilariously ill-conceived (and subsequently retconned) Orson Scott Card Ultimate Iron Man miniseries depicting lil' Tony and Rhodey's origins.

Keep in mind, the OSC series was already a retcon of a retelling of Tony's origin in an issue of Ultimate Marvel Team-Up.

Like Ultimate Cap in Divided/United, this one suffered a bit from a comparison to the movie universe, where Shane Black's brilliant take on the Mandarin could not help but make Ultimate Mandarin look less than inspiring. Conceptually it's a fine update, but hey, I don't read books in a vacuum.

Would have given it a "liked it" were it not for a few quite witless Tony witticisms in the first half.

Extra lulz: ends on a cliffhanger, but no second "Demon in the Armor" mini was ever made? Ha!