A review by smashingreads
Wax by Gina Damico

Did not finish book. Stopped at 12%.
I received this book as a review copy from edelweiss so very long ago in exchange for an honest review.

I DNF’d because of the following:
- teenage crush on high school teacher
- talking crap about families in town
- somehow it’s appropriate for the MC to pants the bully as revenge. Like nah, that just makes you a bully too.
- explaining that her parents are idiots
- unnecessary drug use, such as:
“…his own son, who spent most of his time drinking or snorting or smoking whatever lay within arms’ reach…”
- descriptions like this:
“the only other nonwhite student”
He resembled one of those sketches of what scientists think that people in the future will look like once the world is completely globalized and all the races have finished banging one another: a picture of ethnically balanced perfection.”
- I didn’t even slightly like the MC, even at 10-12%.

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