A review by broomsreviews
Four Christmases and a Secret by Zara Stoneley


An absolute delight of a festive read! Zara Stoneley’s heartwarming romantic comedy provides the reader with a perfect mix of great characters and magical storytelling. A novel that is very hard to put down and as the title suggests: 4 Christmases!
Please note my review contains spoilers.

Act 1: Must Try Harder
Set in 2017, Daisy is attending the annual Christmas Eve party at Uncle Terence’s bookshop. Although she was meant to be showing off her new boyfriend, Daisy is instead armed with her flat mate and shelter dog Stanley.
In a bid to avoid awkward questions, Daisy attempts to keep herself as low key as possible until her head is turned by a handsome stranger. That man being Oliver Cartwright - a child friend and past mistletoe snog.
As the pair are reacquainted, talking about their lives, Daisy receives news that the newspaper she currently works for will be merging and her job may not be safe in the new year.
After a bit of drunken research and a reassuring chat with her mum, Daisy decides to take matters into her own hands and begin a fresh start.

Act 2: New Year, New Me
Skipping to March 2018, Daisy is in the midst of prepping for an interview at the newly merged newspaper. Encouraged by Frankie, her flatmate and friend, Daisy sets her sights on a managerial role which will offer her the new start she desires.
After a lengthy journey, Daisy is caught off guard when she is met by the charming Tim instead of James who has had a family dog emergency. Interviewed in an informal way, Daisy is asked about her ambitions and what really interests her where she begins talking about her favourite books with delight. Her enthusiasm works and Daisy is offered the role as Junior Reporter - delight turns to dread when she realise the job will involve relocating.
Daisy’s nervousness soon subsides when Uncle T kindly offers her use of his flat in Stavington. The only catch... Ollie will be her part time flat mate! Although met with initial dread, Daisy finds that Ollie is still her sweet, supportive childhood friend and dog kidnapper extraordinaire.
Within this act, Daisy also dates Tim - the charming interviewer but as it turns out not so great boyfriend. After a moving in together proposal, Daisy discovers that Tim is not her forever after and is instead spending an increased amount of time thinking about Ollie.

Act 3: Nothing’s going to stop me now
This act again starts with Uncle T’s Christmas Eve party and a newly single Daisy who is definitely ready to mingle her way to Ollie. All is going well until an unexpected tragedy occurs that will change the course of Daisy’s future forever.
Be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster!