A review by tsareeena
The Mayor of Noobtown by Ryan Rimmel


Under my personal rating scale, this book is a two... meaning it is entirely forgettable and genuinely a waste of time. Under another person's rating scale it might be a 1 since it was very bad.
The book is so forgettable that I won't bother going into too much detail about how much it sucked.
There was a lot of continuity issues. Stats didn't add up, the effects of stats did not have a clear 'conversion factor', time seemed wonky, and things he could and couldn't do seemed arbitrarily decided and had no sense to it.
There was an insane amount of stat checks. Like, actually insane. I know that they're a big part of this genre, but there's better ways to do it and it's certainly not mandatory to do it as frequently and in such depth as this author did it. There is one particular scene where MC does a stat check and describes EVERY skill that he's gotten and what it's good for(and there's a skill for everything in this world, such as hiking and walking)... And then immediately went BACK INTO the abilities he's acquired and further detailed why it would be beneficial to level, how he'd use it, and other honestly worthless drivel.
The humor is crude. Sometimes crude humor is funny, but it's done so frequently and so mindlessly that it's actually unfunny. The running gag of the book that's explained towards the end was so sorely stupid and overplayed that I was over it before the punchline hit.
The world is poorly built. We get little to no information on it basically ever, and I can only assume it's because author had no fucking clue about it yet either.
The 'familiar' that MC receives is abhorrently unhelpful.
Spoiler I mean, if you need to keep MC alive shouldn't you teach him as much as you can about the world? So he doesn't die, levels as quickly as possible, and can get you back home and to your original state?

MC wasn't relatable, was extremely boring, and entirely forgettable. I actually have no idea what his name is anymore, and HIS NAME WAS THE JOKE FOR THE WHOLE FUCKING BOOK.