A review by alexiasophii
Out of Oz by Gregory Maguire


"To read, even in the half dark, is also to call the lost forward"

I finished this book at 5am. It seems fitting since I finished the first book of this series in the middle of the night, more than 15 years ago. Finishing Out of Oz is bittersweet. Part of me had been pushing it and pushing away because it didn't want this to end (even though there is a continuation in [b:The Brides of Maracoor|56645982|The Brides of Maracoor|Gregory Maguire|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1620691916l/56645982._SY75_.jpg|86795348])... The Wicked Years Series has been with me for years. It is one of my favourite series, I've reread Wicked more times than I can count. I love this world and these characters and will always be happy to return to these pages.

Out of Oz was no different. Finding all the secrets and Easter eggs that Maguire placed in the book, was amazing. Seeing all those characters from the beginning, remembering places. Being all-knowing and recognizing the places after years and years. Seeing Nanny and Glinda (
Spoilerand Elphaba? Who knows
) after all those years... It was amazing. Seriously, if you love Wicked and these characters, this book is going to rip your heart out and be filled with so many details. Also the little homages to the Wicked Musical sprinkled in dialogue are fantastic.

I have no bad words to say about this book. Granted I'm highly influenced by nostalgia, but this book was amazing and a fitting end(?) to the story.

Elphaba Lives.