A review by helpfulsnowman
Bloodshot Reborn Volume 1: Colorado by Jeff Lemire


My mistake was reading this Bloodshot volume FIRST, before I read The Valiant. Because Bloodshot would have made a little more sense if I’d read The Valiant first.

Although, hold the phone.

You know where they tell you the reading order for Bloodshot? On the very last page of the Bloodshot trade paperback! Which means that only after having done it wrong did I realize what the right order was. Wouldn’t that be a useful thing to put in the front of the book? “Hey, you don’t have to, but if The Valiant happens to be sitting on your coffee table and you’re planning to read it too, DEFINITELY read that shit first!”

Why even bother putting the reading order in the back of the book? Just so I know that I fucked up? So I can go through the other volume fully aware that I blew this experience for myself just by pure chance?

Ahhhh! COMICS!!!