A review by trackofwords
Bigger Than Biggs by Danie Ware


On secondment to the uncompromising Chief Johnson in Sector-19, Anderson stumbles upon something big when the rescue of a kidnap victim leads to hints of sinister goings-on beneath the Eee-Zee Rest block. Johnson won’t sanction an investigation due to the political connections of the block’s owner, but Anderson’s gifts tell her something terrible is about to happen, and it’ll take someone with her talents to stop it.

A little more grounded than Alec Worley’s Year One novellas, it makes good use of Anderson’s psi abilities without relying on them, occasionally going all-in on the psychic weirdness but mostly giving her scattered snatches of sights, sounds and memories to try and interpret on the fly and under pressure. It’s still a 2000AD story so for all Anderson’s introspection there’s more than enough darkness and violence as well, and Ware does a great job of investing locations and characters with an authentic tone to suit the setting. If there’s a touch of inevitability around the plot, that’s entirely forgivable given the constraints of a 130-page novella, while a satisfying mixture of badass action and compelling character work means it’s entertaining and enjoyable from start to finish.

Read the full review at https://www.trackofwords.com/2019/10/07/bigger-than-biggs-danie-ware/