A review by monicamr
The Lost Girl by Sangu Mandanna


Since I got this book, I thought I’d like it and now that I’ve read it, it did not disappoint.
I’m still wondering about a few details, but the story was so unique. I expected Eva to be less emotional, more robot even, but she was a human from the start. She understood and she had her own life even if she was sharing Amarra’s. It was obvious her guardians loved her and I thought that, even if it was forbidden, her relationship with Sean was healthy. They knew each other for so long, when either of them wanted answers from the other they would ask and not tip-toe around the subject.
Mina Ma was a great. Lekha was the kind of friend Eva needed and I’m glad she was more than just an extra.
Amarra’s family was too good to Eva, even with the pain they felt about losing their daughter. Nikhil and Sasha saw the situation in different ways, Nikhil was more grown up, while Sasha, even though she was the youngest and probably didn’t understand the whole situation, that didn’t prevent her from treating Eva like a sister.
The writing was simple, but with beautifully written lines and descriptions once in a while. It was easy to follow, even with so much going on. Time flew by when I read it and I do like that when I’m into a story.
At the beginning it might have been a bit slow, but it was necessary. We needed to see how Eva lived, her relationship with Amarra and thoughts about what she is and what she was created to do. We had to know and see her and Sean’s love develop so it could grab you later when it was her time to leave.
I enjoyed Mathew, he’s one of those you would hate in real life, but as a character, he is well written and leaves you wondering ‘what’s the deal with him?’
I’d say that the last 2 or 3 chapters were rushed, but not disappointing. It’s a happy ending, but not with the usual elements that make a happy ever after, I’d say. I love that it leaves you thinking on what could happen next and if anytime Sangu Mandanna wants to write a sequel, I’d love to continue.