A review by txkikind
Fight No More: Stories by Lydia Millet


I'm hesitant to say that I really liked this book. I was turned off by the treatment of the black character in the first story. He comes back. But, while all of the other characters were able to grow and be developed, the black character in the first story was just a prop. And, the way that Nina made assumptions about his background was certainly off putting. I think that's what's hard about being a black woman and reading white authors write about black characters. They're never fully developed and they're used in the story of the "more interesting" white characters.

Now, if I wasn't a black woman, and I didn't notice how the black character was used, I would say I really liked this book. I liked the story. I liked how there was a common thread among all of the characters. I liked how dark and sad the stories were. But, I am a black woman. Always will be. And because I read the stories through the lens of my experience, I couldn't fully enjoy this otherwise nicely written book.