A review by bibliotequeish
The Arc by Tory Henwood Hoen


The Arc- a new, super invasive, highly personalized matchmaking service that is guaranteed to find your perfect mate.

I think I understand what this book was suppose to be about, a look at love and what happens when your $100,000 perfect relationship hits some not so perfect bumps. But I saw was more- what happens when your perfect mate is jealous and accusatory, or when your communication skills is so lacking on either side that you can’t even have a discussion about the what kind of dog to get. If these two people were scientifically proven to be perfect for each other, why did their relationship feel kind of toxic?

An interesting concept but not a book I will find myself recommending.

I’m a big fan of Sally Rooney and Taylor Jenkins Reid, this book was recommended for fans of these two brilliant yet wildly different authors….. that is a really tall order and a pretty bold statement, unfortunately I saw no similarities to either.