A review by pantswithpockets
Kiss Number 8 by Colleen AF Venable


This was a local comic book store find that made the entire trip worth it. Which is beyond rare! I would consider myself someone who knows about queer graphic novels and comics, they’re basically my reading obsession for the past 2 years- but this book flew under my radar SO ASTOUNDINGLY.
A story of religious trauma and bigotry, familial trauma and the pain of secrets, and an actual, true to life coming of age story. I personally have had the quintessential gay girl experience of being obsessed with your best friend who is kind of a bitch, only to realize you don’t want to be her friend at all and you’re just in love with a bad person.
This story was definitely heavy and intense on the homophobia. Of course that’s part of the plot, but there were times where I wondered how far it would go. However! It never crossed any lines and I felt like it was all super natural with the story.
I friggin loved this book and I would wipe it from my brain to reread it, probably, so give it a chance!!
P.S. happy ending!