A review by infiniteviolette
Between the Duke and the Deep Blue Sea by Sophia Nash


This book was being promoted as in the style of "The Hangover." Yes. The movie. What?? A bodice-ripper PLUS "The Hangover"? I thought for sure this would be a fun and delightful read. Ultimately, I was rather disappointed.

The one word I would use to describe this book would be flat. It just made me totally not care...and that was completely the fault of the male and female leads. The story itself had so much potential, but Roxanne and Alex just killed it...and not in a good way. At first I really, really wanted to see how Roxanne's story would be tied up. As the book progressed, I started caring less and less. Eventually, I kinda skimmed the last 100 pages or so because I was just so done with it.

For starters, their attraction seemed to blossom from nowhere. While I applaud the author for making the heroine 34, it was really difficult for me to see how Alex was attracted to her. Tall, skinny, and shapeless? I'm just not into it. But I'm not even speaking from preference. Their initial hookup seemed to come out of nowhere and without any hint to the reader that Alex thought more of Roxanne than just a "whatevz." Maybe it's cliche but I'm kinda into the whole insta-love thing that happens in these books.

Overall, it was a mediocre read and I seriously doubt I'll be reading anything else in this series.