A review by grauspitz
Heir to the Sky by Amanda Sun

Did not finish book.
Made it about 40% of the way through for what it's worth but I've officially DNFed this book.

And the fact that I've enjoyed absolutely nothing about this book by this point is the reason I'm putting it down. All of the characters I've been introduced to by this point are flimsy and the world hasn't interested me enough to push past that flaw, despite the fact that you've given a lot of information on it right at the beginning.

I also wasn't a particularly big fan of the writing? Perhaps that's why I found myself uninterested in both the characters and the world. The dialogue and descriptions didn't pull me at all into the world, and left the beginning a rather slow read.

Of course I only made it about 120 pages in. For all I know it gets better at the halfway point but I have no interest in continuing on myself, and the reviews don't promise that good of an ending from what I've read. For that I'm glad that I picked this up from the library rather than going out and buying a copy for myself.