A review by caseroo7
The Truth About Him by M. O'Keefe


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The Truth About Him is the follow-up to Everything I Left Unsaid by M. O'Keefe. This book is not a standalone and continues the story from the first book, so it needs to be read in order. I couldn't wait to start this book after the way the first one ended. I loved the cover on this one just as much as the first! They are so pretty, and I think that they instantly draw you in! I will say that I was a bit disappointed with this book though, and as much as I wanted to love it I had some things that kept me from enjoying it as much as the first.

The Truth About Him picks up right where the first one leaves off. Dylan and Annie are no longer strangers that just speak on the phone, and their connection continues to grow. But faced with danger on more than one front, Dylan is determined to do whatever it takes to keep Annie safe. Though Dylan tries to put up walls, Annie is just as determined to tear them down and see all that Dylan has kept a secret from her. But will Dylan allow Annie in, or is he incapable of feeling the same way about her as she is about him?

As much as I loved Dylan and Annie in the first book, I felt so disconnected from them here. Things seemed to go around in circles and not much happened between them. Besides the constant sex that they were having, there wasn't a lot of development when it came to their relationship. The majority of this book focused on other characters and everything that was going on around them. I was disappointed with how little we saw of these two who supposedly were building something unlike anything that either of them had before finding each other. There was just so much going on around them besides these two having sex and it left little page time for any kind of real emotional depth or growth. Though they might have felt love or said the words, I had a hard time really seeing it or believing it.

I also felt like this book was really slow. It wasn't holding my interest like the first, which is surprising. I felt like one of the biggest issues for Dylan and Annie was solved almost instantly, and the rest of the book could easily have been wrapped up faster than it was. Yet despite how fast things were wrapped up in one aspect, there were a ton of other things that were just dropped! I couldn't believe how many things were left hanging and unresolved, and I have no idea if there will be any more books in this series. This does end with an epilogue, but even that felt too brief and far too rushed. I just wasn't satisfied with how this story ended considering how much I had really enjoyed the first book. The way things went here it easily could have been resolved in one book. I really felt like this story needed two books after finishing the first, but this one changed my mind with how it was done. So while I really loved the first book, I ended up feeling as though this series was just okay and I was honestly disappointed with how it was concluded.

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