A review by cosymilko
Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli


I loved Stargirl. I loved it in a way that only a person who forced their own mind into the generic cookie cutter can. As one of those, I often still struggle with what I'm doing. Is it weird? Would X do it? Should I not do it?

Stargirl doesn't have those things hanging over her. She enchants the school and they love it. She's a breath of fresh air for them until something happens. Then she's the reason things go wrong. If she were normal...

Stargirl is what a lot of teens need to read to realise that it's okay to fit your own mould. It's okay to be different. And yet, I don't think many teens have the maturity to grasp the best parts of this book. It's bittersweet to read it as an adult.

It's a simple read but one that will linger with you.