A review by erikajay
Kill the Queen by Jennifer Estep


I loved this book! It’s an interesting mix of royal politics, magic, gladiators, interesting characters, a slow-burn romance, and good writing!

The character development was well done. Our main character, Evie, is 28 years old. Everyone else is at least that old and I think that the characters act their age. Are they always 100% confident in who they are? No, because they’re human. But they are mature, can have real conversations, and deal with their issues. I also really enjoyed that there wasn’t an insta-love story. It’s definitely a slow burn, but I’m really excited to see how all that progresses!

I really enjoyed the world building. We definitely get a sense of the society and how it works, their relations with neighboring nations, and the types of magic that are around and how they’re used. Normally when books mix old-world characteristics with modern language/features it really puts me off, but it totally worked in this world!

I am VERY excited for book two!