A review by raphieslistening
The Middle Finger Project: Trash Your Imposter Syndrome and Live the Unf*ckwithable Life You Deserve by Ash Ambirge


Drop everything and read this book ‼️⠀

But really DO IT‼️⠀

Ash is me, she is in my head, my thoughts and my heart❣️(with less vodka)⠀

Is is a book for women on the verge of a pivot to entrepreneurship, hate your fucking 9 to 5, wondering how to defer student loans one more time and on a verge of a breakdown❗️⠀

I literally finished this book in one day, could NOT stop. Just couldn’t. ⠀

Ahhhh seriously refreshing. I felt like I was talking, like Ash was in my head, heart and brain. ⠀

This is only the 2nd book in years - that could not turn off. ⠀

This solidified my mission, my path, and my course.⠀
Although I know I was - BUT now I feel more confident.⠀

There are practical lessons & ideas, funny ones, emotional ones, harsh ones and all the real talk you need. ⠀

All mixed in with a perfect amount of F bombs