A review by paddlefoot55
Anchor Me by J. Kenner


ARC received for an honest review

Fight you for Damien - I win!

Yes! More Nikki and Damien!

I am not going to lie, I have been a Starkie since I first started reading this series, and each and every story makes me fall for him even more.

I quickly read Entice Me before I dived into Anchor Me, and I am glad that I did, because Anchor Me continues on right from the end.

Still so much going on in Nikki and Damien's world, just when you think things will finally run smoothly for them, another obstacle is thrown in their way. Ugh, I wanted to throw something AT the obstacles this time!

We saw a softer side of Damien this time, one that made me shed a tear or two - oh heck, who am I kidding, I may have cried like a baby at one time!

There's not much I can say without giving something away about Anchor Me. As much as I loved where our lovelies are at the end of Anchor Me, I am so glad that we will be getting more later on.

Anchor Me is sweet, sexy, suspensey read that i couldn't put down once I started.

I loved it. I need more.

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