A review by shane_tiernan
The Grim Company by Luke Scull


This book was definitely a pleasant surprise or maybe I should say unpleasant since it's supposed to be in the "grimdark" genre. The good thing about it is that it's not only dark and gritty, there's humor in there but it doesn't feel forced or campy like a lot of fantasy humor. All of the humor centers around Davarus Cole, a brilliant creation of a character type I haven't seen in fantasy before.

This is epic fantasy that's contained in under 500 pages, has plenty of action, really cool magic, an interesting back story and extremely likable characters. It's really brutal, occasionally a little over the top in the believability department, but didn't feel like it was forced. There's a second book but the first one does NOT end with a cliffhanger.

I did this on audio and the narrator was good but one strange thing is that he alternated between calling Davarus' dagger "Mage Bane" and "Mega Bane". The first time he said "Mega Bane" I was worried the story was really going to suck, I almost stopped because it sounded like something from a video game.

In the end I'm really glad I picked up this unknown (to me) author's work and I can't wait for the next book to come out.