A review by meghan111
My Real Children by Jo Walton


I don't have a coherent review for this. It reminded me of [b:Life after Life|15790842|Life After Life|Kate Atkinson|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1358173808s/15790842.jpg|21443207] by Kate Atkinson. The scenes of encroaching dementia and confusion were terrifying and difficult.

Exploring two different ways a woman's life would play out, based on one decision she makes in her early 20s.
Spoiler In one life, Patricia goes by Tricia, marries a horrible man, has four kids and multiple stillbirths, and society is progressive and nuclear disarmament has been achieved, as well as equal rights for gay people. In another life, Patricia goes by Pat, turns down the horrible man, goes to Italy and finds a passion for Renaissance art, and finds a lifelong love with Bee and a fulfilling career as a guidebook writer. Bee and Patricia have three children together with the help of Michael, their guidebook photographer. But in this world, nuclear weapons are used by multiple countries and millions of people die and millions more develop thyroid cancer in later life. Bee and Patricia face legal battles to have their relationship acknowledged.

Compellingly imagined, this also forced me to deal with how quickly Patricia's life went by, no matter what choice she made. She's just out of college, and then, not too many decades later, she's facing life in an institution and a battle with dementia.