A review by nhnabass
The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia


I'm not sure I have the words to properly convey the journey this book took me on. What a story to begin 2022.

Segovia's narrative, and Bruni's translation of course, is so gripping I finished this book in a matter of days. The way in which the perspective shifts ever so slightly with every chapter is such an immersive experience, it
truly feel like you are there, living every moment of this story. I found myself smiling with the family's moments of joy and again grieving with their losses.

The story meanders through the POV of many different characters in such an interesting way. It really felt like the story was more about the characters' lives than the story but... not in a bad way? I've personally never read anything written in this way before and I throughly enjoyed it. In the build up to an event we get to see it happen from every perspective-- it's less about the event itself than the way in which the community, the family, the characters are affected by it. I really enjoyed this form of story telling.

It was so interesting reading about Mexico's history through the perspective of the families of these few towns as well as seeing the eerie similarities of the first pandemic in 1918 to the one in which we are living through today. It was admittedly difficult to get through those particular chapters knowing we are suffering a similar plight all these years later in such a changed world.

Between the incredible writing and characters who quickly feel like your own family, I found myself swept away by the emotions, silent wisdom, and charisma of Simonopio despite everything this character goes through.

Again, what a marvelous story to start off this year with.