A review by biddywink
Doubleblind by Ann Aguirre


[a:Ann Aguirre|835348|Ann Aguirre|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1275442049p2/835348.jpg] keeps up the good work in this, the third Sirantha Jax novel.
SpoilerImpulsive and frank, Jax has to adapt to the life of a goodwill ambassador, brokering a critical alliance with the Ithtorians. The importance of her mission is paramount--if she fails, known civilization is doomed; if she succeeds, humanity (and all the various other sentient races of the universe) has a fighting chance against the insatiable monstrous Morgut. So, no pressure.

As with all previous Jax books, nothing is sacred and things don't always turn out rosy in the end. In fact, like in real life, it is guaranteed that things do not go well. Aguirre's Jax universe reminds me a lot of Whedon's Firefly universe: gritty, realistic, and harsh. But Jax's indomitable spirit and smart-ass attitude, along with so many of the other character's personalities, keep the story for getting mired in depression and despair while keeping the intensity ratcheted high.

On to #4, [b:Killbox|10035224|Killbox (Sirantha Jax, #4)|Ann Aguirre|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1293430612s/10035224.jpg|6913748]!