A review by sdbecque
Teleliteracy: Taking Television Seriously by David Bianculli


So I read this because I hear Bianculli's stuff on NPR, and it seemed like the sort of book I should read. However, I kept checking the publication date (2000). Forgive me if I'm wrong, but in 2000 did people still need a lot of convincing that television was something that could be or should be taken seriously. I understand a lot of that work was happening in the 80s and 90s, but this book seemed repetitive. Granted, Bianculli brings a passion for television, a lot of interesting interviews, some historical research and a witty tone to the proceedings, but rather than revealing new facts, I found myself nodding along ticking off the arguments being made.

Now maybe, and this is more likely, I am not the target audience for a book like this. Having self selected and having read many other books on the subject, this is more a book for the doubting Thom's out there. In which case, I encourage you to pick this up. If you're already taking television seriously, I wouldn't worry about it so much.