A review by ctorretta
Moonlight and Oranges by Elise Stephens


What a fabulous idea for a romance! Reading the author’s note helped me to understand this fully! I loved it even without the note but it just helped put everything into a perspective of understanding. Sadly letting you in on this would be a complete spoiler so I’ll just say that the note was worth reading.

The plot was really intense. I was left feeling like everything was settled in the end but boy to get to that point!! You have two people that are very different and I know they say opposites attract but these two are like fire. They up and marry within two days of getting to know each other only to have their friends ask questions about their decisions. Many, many, many questions. I just wanted to tell their friends and Kestrin’s mother to stfu already! But it really was that dynamic that keeps you reading, wondering what in the sam hell is going to happen with these two!?

“I promise to listen to you even if I think you’re being unreasonable,” he said.

“I promise to treat harmony as more important than being right,” she replied.

Wait. Can I add those to my vows please? I love them! They are so personal and yet so very man and womanish. But that is exactly what this relationship is about. They don’t adhere to their vows just three days into their marriage! Ack!! But it is the times like these that make me want to cheer for them even when they are being absolute idiots…

“Sometimes,” he whispered to Lorona, “I open the doors and stick my pillow out here so that I can look up and see the stars while I’m sleeping.”

“You can’t see the stars while you’re sleeping. Your eyes are closed, goofball.” Lorona sighed. “Or do you mean that when you sleep under the stars, they fall into your dreams?”

He pulled her close so that her hands and elbows rested on his chest. “I want more than starts to fall into my dreams.”

This is my wife, he thought to himself, and peace settled around his shoulders like a fluffy fleece jacket.

Lorona stretched her arms wide. The silver ring on her finger twinkled in the moonlight. “Then catch me.”

Oh my god! Right? How cute and sweet and tender and romantic is this!? But no… they let stupid crap get in the way. And I do mean stupid. But we all know how we are, how our thoughts can deceive even ourselves and that is exactly what happens. The fabulous part of this story is the trials they both have to go through to see IF they do or do not really want to be together. Is it destiny for them or has it all been a sham?

The characters are simply beautiful. Full of angst for sure but they are fabulous, definitely. Lorona is a thinker first and foremost and that is what does her in, Kestrin is a fly by the seat of his pants while believing in destiny and that is what kills him! It’s amazing and tragic. Yuki however is most definitely my favorite character. She reminds me of Tinkerbell, so happy one moment that she could cry but then crying the next because she is so suddenly upset by this whole situation. And then enters Amanda. Oh Amanda… you are a snake. Actually, I like snakes, you are a roach to everything and everyone around you… ohhh I would have loved to squash her and her meanness right out of this book!

So! With that said, this was a tremendous roller coaster of a romance but definitely fun! Fast read with lots of twists and it all comes together in the end. Everything but the oranges, but I love oranges so who cares!?