A review by willjacks
Wizard and Glass by Stephen King


The “Let’s go! I’m sick of her ass” meme comes to mind…

- The story was a dark and disturbing western
- Susan and Sheemie had incredible arcs
- All Topeka scenes are thrilling

- It’s soooo loooooooong for no discernible reason
- a 600 page flashback is too much. Just write a prequel!!!!!
- I didn’t know what was happening most of the time

I cared about Susan and Sheemie, but otherwise this book felt like a giant waste of time. I know i’m in the minority with this opinion, since many people rank this as the best Dark Tower novel… but come on. I just want the Ka-Tet I know and love. I could not care less about the kissing moon and people singing careless love.