A review by genderqueer_hiker
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by Simon Sinek


For a business self-help style book, it's pretty decent. But that's a subterranean bar. This man fashions himself a qualified psychiatrist, evolutionary psychologist, researcher, sociologist, behaviorist, evolutionary biologist/archeologist, and numerous other things, despite thinking correlation indicates causation and using 'data' as singular. How he loves anecdotes/"anec-data." It's a 9 hour TED talk - lots of business leadership bravado with little substance or proof.

Perhaps I have unreasonable expectations after consuming print and voice media produced by journalists, but this fell completely flat for me. It was paternalistic, imperialistic, capitalistic, and rooted in white supremacy culture. It lacked any insight or reflection on things like sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, and other dehumanizing belief systems commonly encountered by people not rich white straight men. Therefore, the advice contained within centered the experience of rich white straight men, fueling current business practices to continue valuing only those people and seeing everyone else as aberrations.