A review by elvang
Rabbits of the Apocalypse by Benny Lawrence


I feel like I have been on a whirlwind ride into this post apocalyptic world created by Benny Lawrence. I don't usually read much speculative fiction but if this genre is always this entertaining then I have been missing out on some terrific reads.

Rabbits of the Apocalypse grabs you from the opening chapters. The setting in the Twenty Third century is easy to imagine. Think Mad Max with lesbians in the leading roles instead of Mel Gibson (thank god). Benny's humour comes through in the witty dialogue and improbable situations. Any book that opens with the following lines is hard to resist:

I was reading The Sex-Bots of Space Alcatraz for the fifty-third time when my little sister Emily slammed open the apartment hatch.
"Aliens are attacking the city!" She yelled, and then she slammed straight back out again.
My reaction surprised even me. "Thank God," I said out loud. Then I dropped my dog-eared book and hurried after her.

I won't rehash the plot as the book blurb is thorough without giving away major plot points.
This is the kind of book you can read for its sheer entertainment value or you can dig a bit deeper and look for some insight into the human condition. I did a little of both and found it hard to put this book down once it got rolling.

The title of this novel is brilliant, thought provoking,and puzzling all at the same time. So is the book. I would love to see a sequel as I am not ready to leave these characters behind.

4.5 stars