A review by findingthefantasticstory
Jeff Wayne's The War of The Worlds: The Musical Drama by Adrian Edmondson, Theo James, Michael Sheen, Taron Egerton, Anna-Marie Wayne, Jeff Wayne, H.G. Wells


The War of the Worlds had been on my TBR for ages but I’ve just never picked it up. I decided to listen to the musical drama when I saw audible had a new version out with two of my favourite actors. Let’s just say I’m pretty glad that I listened to this. I just loved the music, it gave the story some extra urgency and some parts it freaked me out, especially as I was listening to it on the dark mornings and nights on the way to and from work! The story was also really different. The only experience of ware of the world I have is the Tom Cruise movie and this is soooo different. I think in the future I will give the book a go but atm I’m classing this as reading the book.