A review by bianca89279
Here Goes Nothing by Steve Toltz



Here Goes Nothing had an original premise, as it's told from the perspective of Angus Mooney from the after-life, after his surprising and unexpected demise.

We find out about his difficult upbringing, having been fostered by several families, after being abandoned by his parents when three years old. By circumstance and lack of direction, he becomes a petty thief, and he gets himself a prison record.
When he finds someone to love and settle down with, he becomes a respectable citizen.

As was the case with Toltz's previous two novels, there were many quips popping up everywhere. And quite a few philosophical soliloquies or thought bubbles about love, relationships, the afterlife, faith etc. At times, it is somewhat comical, but I never found it ha-ha funny.

I was willing to suspend my disbelief and go with the whole after-life scenario. I finished the novel and had no clue about what Toltz was trying to say or show within these pages. Also, towards the end, there was a lot of afterlife gibberish that made no sense and added nothing to the story.

In conclusion, this had potential and some brilliant moments, but the amalgam didn't result in a fully satisfying reading experience.