A review by melissasfandomworld
Tight Quarters by Annabeth Albert


This was going to be my first M/M romance and first book by this author. After reading the synopsis, when I came across it for the first time, and then when I got granted an e-arc of this book, I was so excited to start reading it.

I haven't read the prior 5 books in the series yet and in hindsight, I don't feel like I missed out on things because of that, thankfully. I DO plan on reading the prior 5 books because I really really liked 'Tight Quarters'.

the Characters
The characters were interesting, well developed and a joy to read about. I love reading about military man, in whatever 'form' they come- seal, navy, marine, veteran, etc - and I really liked 'Bacon's character a Lot, right from the start. He comes across this rough-edged Seal, but at the same time, he's so much more on the inside, in the best ways possible. Then there's the counterpart, our other main character, Spencer Bryant, a journalist who gets a chance to accompany this group of SEALs on their upcoming adventures. Journalists clash with the military environment a lot, so the group of SEALs isn't particularly happy with Spencer joining them. And unfortunately for Bacon, since he was injured recently, he gets the 'babysitter' job. Bacon thinks Spencer is only going to be a hindrance to his team, but he's being surprised a lot when he finds out Spencer is so much more than the 'typical' journalist. Both fighting their growing attraction and fondness towards another when they get to know each other better, in this homophobic military environment, was so incredibly well written I think. To me, Bacon was definitely the more interesting of the two, but I liked Spencer okay though as a counterpart to Bacon.

the Romance
The romance was steamy, sexy and just really well developed. It felt real and believable. I loved reading this M/M romance in this particular setting. I loved how the romance was developing with one of the characters being a part of a SEAL group and him struggling with this homophobic environment for a while now and struggling to 'come out'. It made me feel even more for this particular character because of the way he's struggling with this all.

the Story-line
I liked the story-line but it didn't have me emotionally hooked as in me feeling really intense emotions that would've made me rate this book with 5 stars, hence the 4-star rating. I felt connected to this story, these characters and their struggles regarding the romance development and the 'environment' around them they're fighting at the same time, but it sometimes felt a bit over-dramatic. Was some drama a bit unnecessary maybe? To me, there doesn't always have to be a huge amount of drama present in a romance book, I often find myself liking it just fine without the angst and drama, lol. But that's a personal thing I guess.

It was entertaining right from the start and there wasn't a dull moment for me, so that's always a good thing haha. There was action, a great, sexy and enticing romance, great character developing, an entertaining story-line and great writing. So there's really nothing left for me to say except; this a book definitely worth reading. A book I definitely recommend to any romance reader out there and especially if you're into M/M romance. This was my first encounter with a M/M romance and I can't wait to read more of it!